Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Horse Camp Day 2

So today, they got their ponies out and groomed them. Then we did a couple of balancing exercises on the lounge line. Then we had lunch and I had to tack up for my lesson while they groomed Cass and went over her body parts.

I rode Frankie for my lesson, a dapplish grey gelding. He started to frame and carry me around at the trot, just in time to canter :) He had a hint of freshness in him while we where jumping. He also refused about 3 times, only because 1) I didn't his eye on it when we did a roll-back. 2) Didn't give him enough turning room so we came at it from an angle...he didn't like that. 3) Again, angle at the jump. He doesn't like it.

Hacked Max. And he was perfect! His short pony stride was small for the canter/trot poles. So we went over one, got one stride and went over the second and then got a regular stride to the third one. He was perfect for being 4 :) so proud of him.

Jenny asked me if I wanted to ride Charger. I was thrilled because I LOVE riding him bareback. I was about to trot when this convo. happened.

Me: *got about 4 steps of trotting*
Katy; Why is she riding him?
Jenny: I thought it would be fun.
Katy: He is going in a lesson. (blank) is riding him.
Jenny: Oh, she can ride Bc.
Me: Bc is being used in the same lesson.
Jenny: Get off the horse and put him away then.
Me: *laughing so hard was about to fall off*

So that ended on a funny note. Charger was sad that we didn't get through the hack though.

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