Monday, June 28, 2010

Fun Show

This was last year at the Fun Show. Charger and i cleared 3ft to win Chase me Charlie. I tried to go for it again, but the striding was screwed up so it was a 3 stride for ponies, 3 1/2 for horses.

This was Charger jumping 2ft. Notice the straight line from elbow to bit?

Here, this is 2'3. No he didn't hit it with his front hoof, but came very close.

Then Charger jumped 2'6. He hit is with his back hooves :( but he threw his heart over the jump. Also notice how powerful his back legs look, like a spring ready to explode. Too bad he didn't make it...

We did many other classes, in which Charger and I won two. One was the crop relay race and the other was bobbing for apples (ponies against horses.) We came in 2nd for barrel racing and pole bending.

I lost time for the poles because he could barely get into them :( but I did get an A+ for barrels! I had the tightest turns of all :D

Friday, June 25, 2010

Horse Camp Day 5

Today was the last day of horse camp. The campers invited their parents out to show off what they learned in the week. They trotted on the lounge line, then we took the saddles off and they rode bareback. The one on Oreo almost fell off in 'Around the World' but I caught her foot as she slowly slid down. Then the one on Hummer fell off when she was just about to finish AtW. It was really funny.

Then we hid things around the arena and then went out in search. The person on Oreo fell off when she reached for a brush lower then it should have been. She got up laughing and we all laughed it off.

Then I rode Nikko in a lesson. I have to learn how to 'compact' his stride and make him more...rideable for his owner? During jumping, he tried to take my kneecap out in the middle of the grid, moving left, ignoring my leg. Since he is 'sensitive' I couldn't kick him, just open my rein nicely >.< but at the end, we got a left to right lead does that count as schooling off my leg?

Then I rode Snickers up the mountain with Rex and Amelia. It was fun until the motor bike scarred the living manure out of her. Needless to say, I was scarred about motor bikes for the whole ride back. And she only tried to kill us tripping about 2 times :D, just over rock which made it more freaky.

Horse Camp Day 4

(Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I was really tired.)

So the campers groomed and got on their horses. We did more balancing on the lounge line, then we went on a trail ride. We walked up the loop, to the meadow, back up the loop. Then we had lunch and I had to put scavenger hunt cards out. It was a very easy hunt, but it was fun. I duct taped the card to Charger's flymask...while he was in it. There was only one hard item, and that was the lounge whip.

I rode Frankie for my lesson. He started to drop into my hand about 5 minutes into the work out. Then we cantered and jumped a couple of roll backs to soften him up. He was still a little fresh, but I had fun.

Then I rode Nikko. We went on a trail ride with Logan, Gus, and Milo. He was really good except for prancing down the matter how steep they where. But we all got home, safe and sound.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Horse Camp Day 3

So today, we worked on trotting on the lounge line. Then we played Red Light, Green Light. Charger won because Hummer was too polite to nudge a human. Then we played Simon Says. They wanted to get off horses when they lost, so I got stuck with Charger :) When we where trotting, he tripped, tried to catch himself. Tripped again, and caught himself again. So there he is, laying on his knees until he completely lays down. Me, of course, did an emergency dismount. He got up and was fun, but thank god I was on him and not one of the campers.

I had a lesson on Frankie again. He was really good and instead of starting off stiff, he started to bend. He dropped down into my hand in the trot faster then yesterday. He was pretty good jumping. He just would rush a little, but not as bad as yesterday. Oh, and we accidentally trotted a 2'4 oxer from the trot :o but he cleared it by a foot; it felt so weird and funny at the same time.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Horse Camp Day 2

So today, they got their ponies out and groomed them. Then we did a couple of balancing exercises on the lounge line. Then we had lunch and I had to tack up for my lesson while they groomed Cass and went over her body parts.

I rode Frankie for my lesson, a dapplish grey gelding. He started to frame and carry me around at the trot, just in time to canter :) He had a hint of freshness in him while we where jumping. He also refused about 3 times, only because 1) I didn't his eye on it when we did a roll-back. 2) Didn't give him enough turning room so we came at it from an angle...he didn't like that. 3) Again, angle at the jump. He doesn't like it.

Hacked Max. And he was perfect! His short pony stride was small for the canter/trot poles. So we went over one, got one stride and went over the second and then got a regular stride to the third one. He was perfect for being 4 :) so proud of him.

Jenny asked me if I wanted to ride Charger. I was thrilled because I LOVE riding him bareback. I was about to trot when this convo. happened.

Me: *got about 4 steps of trotting*
Katy; Why is she riding him?
Jenny: I thought it would be fun.
Katy: He is going in a lesson. (blank) is riding him.
Jenny: Oh, she can ride Bc.
Me: Bc is being used in the same lesson.
Jenny: Get off the horse and put him away then.
Me: *laughing so hard was about to fall off*

So that ended on a funny note. Charger was sad that we didn't get through the hack though.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Horse Camp Day 1

So today was first day of Horse Camp. I went out to the barn at 8:30 to help the two kids. They learned how to get their horses out and how to groom them. They learned how to put the tack on, then we headed down to the small arena. They walked, learned how to two-point, and trotted a little bit. Then we walked up to the upper arena and walked an 'obstacle course.'

They put their horses away after grooming them. Then we dug into lunch. After lunch, they cleaned their tack and had a horse anatomy lesson while I helped Becca with buckets for lunch.

Overall, good day. Now for the next 4 days. But hey, I get to have a lesson tomorrow afterward!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Surprise Saturday!

So today, I arrived at the barn and SURPRISE! <<<<<<<<<<< Scuba the bug-eyed, crazy looking gelding was there! We hadn't seen him in a year, give or take a couple of months.

Eh, what can I say about my lesson. I rode Snickers and again, she was terrible. She was falling around my left leg and was galloping to the jumps. She was tearing around corners and pulling on me...non-stop. >.

At around 1:45, Katy asked me to get on Nikko. A 16 hh seal brown gelding. I got the ride lead after a few trot steps, I dunno why most people have problems getting it. Love his mo-hawk-mane that bounces when you ride...hehe. Mom is thinking about half-leasing him. But I gotta jump him first. Katy says I may have my next show horse, if I ride him the right way.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thrilling Thursdays

Milo, the *sensitive* pony. I even put his ears in it! He was doll, letting me do this. It is stylish, don't you think?
Here Geordi is every so gracious to sport out new look! This is out springtime mud look! Isn't it fabulous? It comes in legs, half, and full! Buy your's now before your horse is the only one not wearing it! $20 doesn't include shipping.

So, in the morning I rode Logan. He was amazing! Even getting a flying change across the diagonal. He tried to give me another one but got the back and not the front (go figure!) I'm sure he would have gotten the front, but I didn't all...for both changes.

Then I rode Snickers and well...what can I say? She was horrible. I mean she was listen to my leg (sort of) but was just too fast. We galloped around the arena, lapping everyone at least twice. I guess it was payback from the Sunday show? All we did for jumping was adding and subtracting our distances over two poles, fun! I hope she is better tomorrow...I really do.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summertime is finally here!

So, its finally summertime! And I have an urge that I just had to fix. I wanted to start roleplaying again. Yes, again. I joined an awesome site Riding Freedom, in which I joined in the beginning of last year. Then school got in the way, and I had to go dormant for a while.

So a couple of days ago, I logged in again. Made 2 new horses and got active.

If you are looking for a great place to role play, then Riding Freedom is for you.