This was last year at the Fun Show. Charger and i cleared 3ft to win Chase me Charlie. I tried to go for it again, but the striding was screwed up so it was a 3 stride for ponies, 3 1/2 for horses.
This was Charger jumping 2ft. Notice the straight line from elbow to bit?
Here, this is 2'3. No he didn't hit it with his front hoof, but came very close.
Then Charger jumped 2'6. He hit is with his back hooves :( but he threw his heart over the jump. Also notice how powerful his back legs look, like a spring ready to explode. Too bad he didn't make it...
We did many other classes, in which Charger and I won two. One was the crop relay race and the other was bobbing for apples (ponies against horses.) We came in 2nd for barrel racing and pole bending.
I lost time for the poles because he could barely get into them :( but I did get an A+ for barrels! I had the tightest turns of all :D